Assalamualaikum w.b.t
My lovely readers..
Please let me voice out my feelings towards life.
Wat is definition of life??Some people have their own definition about life.
For me , life means ~COLOURFUL~
Becoz sometimes in life we are happy, some other time we are moody,yet sometimes we felt depressed.Those who treasure his LIFE will found out dat life is a miracle and very precious thing given by God ALLAH s.w.t to us...
As life is a precious thing gifted to us,,we only live once , not twice ,not thrice,,becoz only once life is enough to us...one soul for one life. Dat is the truth.
Colourful of life ,we can see and analyze through our own life,
Happy , sad, anger, hate ,love,worried, frustrated, excited,tension ,,all the feelings dat we feel r the colours..
i think those who don hav any feelings hav no meaning of life
Can i think dat way??
Juz in case ,dat's only my view about life...becoz i am very worried about the rising news of killing, and murdering everywhere, n anywhere..Making me thinking that,..are they human or wat?? is dat their hope to end their life dat way??is life has no value anymore to our people??
Making me to be more afraid that it seems some people doesn't appreciate their life...thinking dat commiting suicide is the best solution n watsover..
Is dat the ending of life they want???
Are they forgetting about religion or wat??
Because only the religion dat can lead our life the right way,right??
As we see, Islam, Christian, Hindu,Buddha , all these religions teaches us the righteous way so dat we will not lost
But the pure and divine Religion is of course Islam."ISLAM IS THE WAY OF LIFE"
So, come back to the right path, practise the teachings of Islam,,never let ourselves be strayed by Satan, as Satan is our true enemy..
as a reminder to me and other people outside,,please don leave religion(Islam).Religion(Islam) teaches us wat is the truth of life,for sure..(^^)
So,let us make a move to be Better Muslims
Different person, different definition of life
Above all,Allah s.w.t knows best.=)
Tq for reading...
My lovely readers..
Please let me voice out my feelings towards life.
Wat is definition of life??Some people have their own definition about life.
For me , life means ~COLOURFUL~
Becoz sometimes in life we are happy, some other time we are moody,yet sometimes we felt depressed.Those who treasure his LIFE will found out dat life is a miracle and very precious thing given by God ALLAH s.w.t to us...
As life is a precious thing gifted to us,,we only live once , not twice ,not thrice,,becoz only once life is enough to us...one soul for one life. Dat is the truth.
Colourful of life ,we can see and analyze through our own life,
Happy , sad, anger, hate ,love,worried, frustrated, excited,tension ,,all the feelings dat we feel r the colours..
i think those who don hav any feelings hav no meaning of life
Can i think dat way??
Juz in case ,dat's only my view about life...becoz i am very worried about the rising news of killing, and murdering everywhere, n anywhere..Making me thinking that,..are they human or wat?? is dat their hope to end their life dat way??is life has no value anymore to our people??
Making me to be more afraid that it seems some people doesn't appreciate their life...thinking dat commiting suicide is the best solution n watsover..
Is dat the ending of life they want???
Are they forgetting about religion or wat??
Because only the religion dat can lead our life the right way,right??
As we see, Islam, Christian, Hindu,Buddha , all these religions teaches us the righteous way so dat we will not lost
But the pure and divine Religion is of course Islam."ISLAM IS THE WAY OF LIFE"
So, come back to the right path, practise the teachings of Islam,,never let ourselves be strayed by Satan, as Satan is our true enemy..
as a reminder to me and other people outside,,please don leave religion(Islam).Religion(Islam) teaches us wat is the truth of life,for sure..(^^)
So,let us make a move to be Better Muslims
Different person, different definition of life
Above all,Allah s.w.t knows best.=)
Tq for reading...