sometimes we didn't expect what comes up after us,right???
Something unpredictable.
Something unimaginable.
Something we wish not to be happened,but it happened.
people said."yesterday is history,today is story,tomorrow is mystery"
when something unpredictable happen to u,,wat d u think u would do ?
what will u think about that moment ??
scary right?
everyone wish to not being encountered in any unwanted events,.
But the fact is when it comes to his/her fate,no one can avoid or run from it.no one can escape from it..dat is the power of fate held by Allah S.W.T.
For me, 1 thing that i realize , when something unpredictable happen to us,,then it makes us to return back to original nature (fitrah).Basically, dat things are sad and bad events.
Y so??
As gentle reminder from our God that we r the only human dat is very inferior and weak when facing difficulties and calamities in our life.so that we always remember and rely on Allah in every circumstances.
The beautiful pattern of tarbiyah dat Allah gives to every humankind.,
For sure,,trials He gives suit our capabilities.
So, when encountering any unexpected events or calamities in life.,please be thankful to Allah S.W.T because he is greeting us with His love .He wants us to remember Him so that we will not lost and going astray from truth.Please cherish that moment of love coz at that time u will find out dat u r remembering Him the most ,,isn't it??
Hope that moment of love will make us to stay closer to Allah not only that time,,but almost..every time
In fact,,
one will experience the sweetness of iman when he/she try hard to endure the bitterness of pain and trials.