Assalamualaikum w.b.t
i think dat it is better to be posted in my blog rather than kept silent,,
At least when i open my blog, i can read.
Come on, we read it together n learn something from it n take them as reminders for us
The Similitude of Praying the 5 Daily Prayers
16 Mar 2010
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) it is related that he once heard the Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) say,
“What would you think if there were a river running by the door of the house of anyone of you, and he bathed in it 5 times a day, everyday, would any trace of dirt be left on him?”
10 Mar 2010
Anas (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s Apostle (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) about the major sins. He (the Holy Prophet) observed:
“Associating anyone with Allah, disobedience to parents, killing a person and false utterance.”
9 Mar 2010
Anas b. Malik (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Neither nurse mutual hatred, nor jealousy, nor enmity, and become as fellow brothers and servants of Allah. It is not lawful for a Muslim that he should keep his relations estranged with his brother beyond three days.”
Speak With Understanding the Repercussions
8 Mar 2010
Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The servant speaks words that he does not understand its repercussions but he sinks down in Hell-Fire farther than the distance between the east and the west.”
7 Mar 2010
Narrated Jarir bin ‘Abdullah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported The Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“He who is not merciful to others, will not be treated mercifully.”
6 Mar 2010
Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s Apostle (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The Hour (last day) will not be established until (religious) knowledge will be taken away, earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase and money will overflow amongst you.”
Rewards of Helping Fellow Muslims
5 Mar 2010
Salim reported on the authority of his father (Radiyallaahu `anhum) that Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him, and he who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet big needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Resurrection, and he who did not expose (the follies of a Muslim) Allah would conceal his …
4 Mar 2010
Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s last Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Do you know what is backbiting?”
They (the Companions) said:
“Allah and His Messenger know best.”
Thereupon he (the Prophet) said:
“Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like.”
It was said to him:
“What is your opinion about this that if I actually find (that failing) in my brother which I made a mention of?”
He said:
“If (that failing) is actually found (in him) what you assert, you in fact backbited him, …
Concealing The Faults of Others
3 Mar 2010
Abu Hurairah (Radiyallaahu `anhu) reported Allah’s Apostle (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The servant (who conceals) the faults of others in this world, Allah would conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection.”
Benefits of Gaining Useful Knowledge
1 Mar 2010
The Messenger of God (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“To acquire some useful knowledge is of greater merit than to perform a hundred devotional prayers voluntarily.”
Do Not Give Shelter To One Who Innovates In The Religion of Islam
28 Feb 2010
Ali Bin Abu Talib (Radiyallaahu `anhu) narrated that according to Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“… If anyone introduces an innovation in the religion, he will be responsible for it. (Good or bad). If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in the religion) he is cursed by Allah, by His angels and by all the people.”
The Most Evil of Things Are Innovations In Religion
27 Feb 2010
The Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The most truthful of speech is the Book of Allah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, and the most evil of things are those which are newly-invented.”
26 Feb 2010
It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws (Radiyallaahu `anhu) that the Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The best of your days is Friday. On that day Adam (peace be upon him) was created; on that day he died; on that day the Trumpet will be blown and on that day all of creation will swoon.
So send a great deal of blessings upon me, for your blessings will be shown to me.”
They said, “O Messenger of Allah, how will our blessings upon you be shown to you when …
25 Feb 2010
Nu’man b. Bashir reported that the Last Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.”
The Example of the One Who Remembers His Lord
24 Feb 2010
The Messenger of God (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“The example of the one who remembers his Lord (God) in comparison with the one who does not remember his Lord is that of the living and the dead.”
The Paradise is Surrounded by Hardships & the Hellfire is surrounded by temptations
23 Feb 2010
Anas ibn Malik (Radiyallaahu `anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said,
“The Paradise is surrounded by hardships and the Hell-Fire is surrounded by temptations.’”
Love of Allah is the power of the heart, the sustenance of the heart, the light of the heart - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
For everything there is a blessing; the blessing of the hearts is being pleased with Allah, the Almighty, the All-powerful - Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal
(from website " i need Allah in my life" )
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