Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Juz want to share
I got plenty of input last night..
from the talk that i attended , given by very determined and impressive person.
the way person talk tells who she is
these are sorts of things dat she said to us that opens our mind and made us think back
~the way u behave tells who u r, way u think tells who u are
~inspiration vs. motivation..big difference
~the problematic person is the one who had plenty of problems,
~migraine person worries thing much (??)
~thought --->emotion--->action--->response..fikiran hasilkan emosi , emosi hasilkan tindakan ,tindakan hasilkan respons.apa yang kita fikir ,bgitulah yang kita buat, dan itulah yang kita dapat.the more u give, the more u get.
~we are spiritual being,,not human being.dat's right
~when we are in front of the mirror. , wat is exactly we? the one who is looking or the one who is being looked??? sounds odd. in malay: bila kita depan cermin, apa sebenarnya kita.?? seseorang yang melihat diri sendiri or seseorang yang dilihat???. dat means seseorang yang melihat diri kita sendiri is spiritual being one.dan seseorang yang dilihat is physical being one.dat's it.
~conscious and subconscious mind. scara x sedar, subconscious mind yang kawal kita (in alpha state).. difficult to explain. but what i understand subconscious mind is when u are imagining of someting or thinkin deeply or trying to visualize ur wish in ur mind.it can influence ur life.for example :
*thinking of someone u admire gives strength to u, while thinking of someone u hates most weakened u
*thinking of good thing can brings positive results to u.right??
~belajar utk tahu, bkn belajar utk passs. (esp . medical stdnt.).medicine she said is zero defect business.
~belajar utk memaafkan, n cari yang baik-baik dalam diri stiap orang, bersangka baik dgn orang , don't buzy urself with finding other's faults..eveyone is imperfect.
~think big and be open-minded person.u will get big result
~Be the one who will be known by penduduk langit,not known by penduduk dunia but di langit tidak dikenali
~the happy person is the one who is happy to see others happy.
~All our actions are for the sake of Allah s.w.t.Lillahi taala..dat's important.only for him.if buat untk orang , or utk dinilai orang, we surely get nothing.
~If we have Allah with us, we hav evrything..we don need anything else instead of Him
There are a lot more points that i missed actually.but these r the only things dat i can remember.since i don jot down the points las night. hopefully , these will inspire us to be better than yesterday and improve our life.